you may recognize the plagiarism in my title, swiped from the pink floyd song "pigs" from the "animals" album. but really, isn't this whole swine flu thing a charade? there are only 2 winners in this hype: racists and ratings.
hard to fathom that america's bottom-feeders are calling for the us-mexico border to be closed because someone died from a flu virus. where were those racists when the other 35,999 people died from various flu virrii this past year?
and let's give the media their due: it is after all, may sweeps and broadcasters are vying for your viewership. so it's their JOB to hype this to the hilt. but again, where was the "breaking news" when the other 35,999 people died from flu virii this past year?
turn off the tv and live your life. and if you REALLY are wondering if you have the pig flu, i mean, if the racists and the raters have REALLY gotten you THAT paranoid, you can check out this website, JUST to make sure -- DO YOU HAVE THE SWINE FLU? FIND OUT HERE!

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